2023 Departure Dates

The best year of your life awaits!

Choose from over 50 experiences, in 3 different countries, and all specialising if different areas of conservation!

Groups of 3+ please contact us and we can arrange bespoke dates


Our Most Popular Trips:

  • Big Cat Conservation, Masai Mara, Kenya

    Spend between 2 - 12 weeks in the Masai Mara learning about Big Cats and the importance of community relationships.

  • Immersive Wildlife Experience, Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya

    Spend 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks on the world famous Ol Pejeta Conservancy learning about all aspects of conservation and looking after the last two northern white rhinos left in the world!

  • Marine Conservation Prgramme, Mozambique

    Spend 3 weeks on the Mozambican coast helping with fish surveys, coral restoration and learning to scuba dive!